"The Cross Eyed Ecorché"

"The Cross Eyed Ecorché"
Cross your eyes until 2 images come together and pop up in 3D.

About Me

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Birmingham, Alabama, United States
71 Year Old Multi Media Artist and Bricoleur. Originally from France. Lived in the US 44 years, married to for Rachel 43 years. May be a little crazy...

"Revealing Self Portrait"

Monday, August 16, 2010

Post 1: What is Crossed Eyed 3D?

3D Hommage to Dali, Oil on Paper
Since the beginnings of photography particularly, but even before, Artists have tried to render the world in 3 dimensions. The reason why we see in 3D is that we have 2 eyes situated roughly 3 inches apart, and that each eye therefore sees a slightly different image. The brain mixes these 2 images and voila! Stereoscopic photography was invented around 1860. The standard two side by side images required a viewer, but if you reverse the images left and right, the 3D effect can be obtained simply by crossing the eyes until 2 images merge in the center and pop into 3D.
Dali experimented with 3D paintings back in the early 70's, and I painted a 3D piece in the late 80's in Homage after a visit to the Museum in Figueras.I used a system of mirrors to show it in one of my exhibitions. But you can just as well look at it cross eyed

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